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First Class Body Shop is committed to offering you the highest and most honest service, so that every time you need a body repair or maintenance service for your car, you think of First Class Body Shop as your best option in Puerto Vallarta.

Very surely for you, as for most of the people, maintenance and/or repair of your car is not a funny matter, so First Class Body Shop strives to make this an easier and more convenient process. Once you have tried their quality service, you will become a loyal client.

With this coupon you will keep your faithful mate in the best shape while taking advantage of the benefits of a Professional Waxing,  Body Wash, General Vacuuming and Headlight Polishing.  Your car will look ever-radiant with the First Class Body Shop experts! 

Purchase your coupon today and give your car the attention it deserves at First Class Body Shop within the next 30 days!

Located at Calle 24 de Febrero # 219-A Col. Bobadilla, Puerto Vallarta, Jal |  Tel: (322) 224 3051 |  www.firstclassdetallado.com  |  https://www.facebook.com/FirstClassDetallado

  • 24 de Febrero No. 209-A, Col. Bobadilla
  • Puerto Vallarta
  • Jalisco
  • 48290
  • This coupon can be used before October 4, 2024 at 7:00 pm
  • English spoken
  • Appointments are required
  • Professional Waxing + Body Wash + General Vacuuming + Headlight Polishing
  • Coupon valid Monday through Friday from 8am to 6pm, Saturday from 8:30am to 2pm
  • Duration of 4 to 5 hours
  • Coupon valid 30 days from date of issue of this offer
  • You can offer as many coupons as you wish to your friends
  • Payment receipts from PayPal or MercadoPago (payments in cash) are not valid as a coupon
  • Tipping is good karma. Thank you for supporting your community leaving your gratuity based on the public price
  • This coupon does not apply with other promotions
  • Images shown in this offer are for illustrative purposes only. Actual products or services may vary
  • Once purchased, coupons of this offer are not refundable
  • Offer available only through www.CupoCity.com
  • For further information please call First Class Body Shop @ (322) 224 3051

First Class Detallado Automotriz

  • 1 Professional Waxing + Body Wash + General Vacuuming + Headlight Polishing
  • Located at Colonia Bobadilla in Puerto Vallarta
  • 5 days to purchase and 30 days to enjoy
  • Your coupon will be sent when the offer is activated
  • For cash payments using ComproPago, you must pay within 48 hours
  • 5 sold coupons to activate this offer

First Class Body Shop – $1,400 pesos instead of $2,000 for 1 Professional Waxing + Body Wash + General Vacuuming + Headlight Polishing

Deal Closed
    • Price$2,000
    • Discount30%
    • CupoCity$1,400